Alma Real Drive (The Cotton Candy Sapphire Heart)
Angelino Heights (The LA Pendant)
Brentwood Park
Crescent Heights (The Baby Tooth Charm)
Dahlia Avenue (The Eye of Love)
East Queen Street
Elysian Park
Morningside Way (The LA Madre Pendant)
Mother's Beach (The Heart Charm)
Mother's Beach Custom (Make your own Heart Charm)
Orchard Ave
Pantera Park
Portrait Street (The Face Charm)
Rose Ave. (The LOVE charm)
Smiley Drive
Sunkist Park (The Lip-Shaped Garnet Charm)
The Alameda
The Isobella (The Feminist Pendant)
The Los Angeles
The Maxella
The Santa Monica
The Sawtelle
The Sunset
Whittier Boulevard
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